Saturday, 18 May 2013


"Minibeasts" is our Topic focus at the moment. 
We are learning to... decide what makes some minibeasts different to other minibeasts (classifying).

We worked as a group to sort pictures of minibeasts into different groups...

We looked at real minibeasts with magnifying glasses, and decided which were similar to others and which were different to others.

Elgregoe visits St Josephs!

The fantastic magician Elgregoe visited us at school.  He had important messages about bullying.  We learnt to use our WITS when somebody is bullying us...
Walk away
Ignore them
Tell somebody
Say "Stop it, I don't like it."

Elgregoe tried to teach us to clap in time with his hands.  We weren't very good at it!

We were amazed when Elgregoe turned two birds into a big white rabbit!

Amelia's big brother Zachary helped Elgregoe with a card trick.

Christine's big brother Sam was a No Bullying Super Hero!